The new baby is born!!
Audra, means Storm in Lithuanian, was born the 4th Januari 2001 at 7.15 a.m. I had just been to Grand Canaria (Canary Islands) and I knew the baby should be delivered any day. I called my son many times and just 3rd Januari my daughter-in-law Egle said that the doctor would not expect it very soon, Then I have not called them next two days and when I did, at night the 5th Januari, I´d heard the baby is already born!
Audra was born weighting 3750 g and 56 cm long. She has got dark hair and well-shaped eyebrows. My son said: "Mum, she is beautiful!"
Little Tymon was prepared to get a young sister who should be comming from mummy´s stomach. But he still asked: "Have you bought her in the hospital?" He liked her, but he was a little bit jealous. He was not at all naughty against his young sister, on the contrary, he could stroke her cheeks when she was asleep so intensiv that she woke up! After he went to his mother and said: "Mummy, Tymon awaked the little sister!" But he became a little aggressiv against his mother to make her to occupy with him as much as he wanted. He was to young to understand and he has been a little spoiled before, so there was some small problems with him sometimes. But in course of time it should be better, we hopped.
Happy and responsible big brother..
Audra about 1 month old..
.. and after ca 2 months, with mummy Egle. Audra is growing very quick and Marcin sais she is going to became two meters long as a grown-up girl!
in March 2001
Mummy, when she at last will be able to play with me?
This page was last updated on: 17 September, 2014
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